Dream Esthetics

Business Hours

10 AM - 5:30 PM
10 AM - 4 PM
10 AM - 6 PM
10 AM - 6:30 PM
10 AM - 5 PM

Cancellation Policy

I completely understand the need for flexibility in my guest's hectic schedules and respect how valuable their time is. I make every attempt to accommodate guest's schedules, and I ask that you do the same. In the event that you need to cancel your appointment, please be sure to give me a minimum of a 24-hour notice. If a guest cancels their appointment without 24 hours notice, they must pay a charge of 30% per service cancelled. If a guest no shows there will be a 50% no show fee, and will be required to pay for service in full for there next appointment. Appointments will be automatically cancelled if 10 or more minutes late and the cancellation fee will be charged. You will also lose the deposit and have to pay a new deposit for your next appointment. I understand that accidents happen, people get sick and/or emergencies occur. I do my best to accommodate these rare occasions with grace. Any guest may use their gift card in lieu of a credit card to hold their reservation understanding that should they no-show the appointment, they will forfeit that gift card. Card information is encrypted and stored to your customer profile to be used in accordance with my no-show/cancellation policy.